We would like to thank our sponsors in the community who have donated their services and resources to help keep the Rocky Horror Picture Show vibrant in the Twin Cities!
Family Tree Clinic
Family Tree Clinic has donated free safer sex kits for our audience and events.
Family Tree is a change agent cleverly disguised as a community clinic and education center that has a long history of serving people left behind by a larger medical system. Besides fighting the good fight, Family Tree provides medical services, community education, and operates Minnesota’s state STD and Family Planning Hotline. All services are on a sliding fee basis, and Family Tree also accepts most major health insurance plans. To learn more about Family Tree Clinic and what they can do for you, visit www.FamilyTreeClinic.org.
Pro-Choice Resources
Pro-Choice Resources (PCR) has donated free sexual health literature for our audience and events.
PCR is a grassroots organization that provides sexual and reproductive health education, access, and support for people living throughout the Midwest. Based in Minneapolis, MN, PCR works every day to ensure that the amount of money a person has or doesn’t have does not prohibit them from getting the reproductive healthcare they need and want. To learn more about how you can get involved with Pro-Choice Resources and forward the cause of reproductive justice for all, visit www.ProChoiceResources.org.
NARAL Pro-Choice Minnesota
NARAL Pro-Choice Minnesota has donated safer sex materials for our audience and events.
The mission of NARAL Pro-Choice Minnesota is to develop and sustain a constituency that uses the political process to guarantee every person the right to make personal decisions regarding the full range of reproductive choices, including preventing unintended pregnancy, bearing healthy children, and choosing legal abortion. NARAL is very proud to stand by our friends and allies in the LGBTQ communities and work hard to be the allies they would like us to be. Learn more at www.prochoiceminnesota.org
Minnesota Department of Health
Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) a has donated safer sex materials for our audience and events.
Minnesota Department of Health is dedicated to protecting, maintaining. and improving the health of all Minnesotans. The MDH vision is for health equity in Minnesota, where all communities are thriving and all people have what they need to be healthy. Learn more at www.health.state.mn.us
Smitten Kitten
Smitten Kitten has donated free safer sex items for our audience and events.
Smitten Kitten is a retail store specializing in sexual health and wellness that sells sex toys, supplies, books, DVDs, and gifts both in-store, online, and through an education-based Home Party program. Smitten Kitten’s selection is expertly curated to include only safe, non-toxic toys, the best selection of lubricants (both conventional and organic) and educational resources available anywhere. The store is staffed by sex educators who are available to help you make confident decisions that fit your budget, your style and your interests. Smitten Kitten is not an adult store, although there are some items that you must be 18 to browse or purchase. Check out Smitten Kitten’s website at www.SmittenKittenOnline.com.
Christopher Jones Comic Art & Illustration
Christopher Jones has donated logo design and graphic design services to Transvestite Soup for use on our website, social media, print publications, and merchandise. Jones is a professional comic book artist for DC and Marvel comics. To learn more about Christopher Jones and his work, visit www.ChristopherJonesArt.com.
If you are interested in sponsoring Transvestite Soup with a donation of services or resources, please contact us.