Last year at CONvergence 2014 we threw an awesome sex-positive Rocky Horror party in cabana room 106. In addition to hijinks with our giant inflatable penii, alcohol-infused treats, glitter lips tattoos, and sexual health information, we gave out 400 free condoms, 65 free dental dams and 15 free female condoms! We ran out early on Saturday evening, in fact.
We are throwing a party again this year at CONvergence 2015, and in addition to all our other party fare, we would love to expand our offerings of free condoms, dental dams, female condoms, and more.
Why? We believe that encouraging sex positivity and encouraging sex safety absolutely go hand-in-hand, and it doesn’t stop with birth control. For instance, did you know that 1 in 5 adults carry the herpes virus, and some don’t even develop symptoms? But you can still catch it from them through unprotected oral or genital contact! This is why things like condoms and dental dams are so important, especially when you’re having some sexytime fun with a partner you don’t know very well, or who hasn’t been STI tested recently.
Last year, we got some donations of condoms, dental dams, and female condoms from our sponsors and others, but we also paid for a lot of the stash out of pocket. In case you didn’t know – those things are EXPENSIVE! (Especially Dental Dams and Female Condoms – holy hell!)
No matter what happens, we will have sex safety stuff at our party room. But anything we cover ourselves does come out of our budget for other things for our monthly show, and it’s not exactly anywhere close to a large budget. If you’d like to help us promote safer sex at the convention and could spare a little scratch to help us do that, we would very much appreciate it!
Here’s roughly the costs of things to order in bulk (which is cheaper):
- $75 – 100 Dental Dams
- $35 – 100 Condoms
- $100 – 100 Female Condoms
- $75 – A rack for our sexual health literature (if you REAAAALLLY love us)
Any amount you’d like to throw our way is very appreciated!
Even if it’s just $5 bucks.
It all helps.
Here’s a PayPal donation button:
Or, contact us if you’d like to hand us some cash or condoms or whatever else in person. We’re around. 🙂
3 thoughts on “Help Transvestite Soup Bring Safer Sex to CONvergence 2015”
could I just donate condoms to you?
I bet you could ask fantasy gifts or enchantasy, to supply you with “samples” attached to their flier for their store. work together. free lube or condoms for advertisement.
I have 54 for you! just meet me on wednesday somewhere. what room number are you? i can just knock and donate when convienent.
We will be in Cabana 106 starting Thursday afternoon! Thanks!!